The Demolished Fruit Stand, Witnessed by B’Tselem

The Demolished Fruit Stand, Witnessed by B'Tselem

Last week I spend the day with Abdulkarim Sadi, who works with B’Tselem,  an Israeli human rights organization, that seeks to change Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories and ensure that the Israeli government protects the human rights of residents there and complies with its obligations under international law.

It was a full day. I met him at the automobile checkpoint near to Tulkarm and that in itself was a little bit hit-and-miss.

At first I thought that he was on the Israeli side of the checkpoint and when I tried to go through the checkpoint the soldier told me I could only go through in a car. So I said fine, I will see if someone will take me in the next car that comes along. The soldier helped me to slow down a car – I open the back door to get in – in fact I threw my backpack in first – but the driver went ‘bezerk’ and absolutely refused to let me into his car.

I’m not surprised really – why would anyone think of taking a total stranger with a backpack in a car through an Israeli checkpoint, entering Israel from the West Bank.

Think about it!

Anyway following that near misadventure, Sadi and I drove to Qualqiliya where he met with the owner of a fruit stand which had recently been demolished by the Israeli military. His purpose was to document this event.

We met the man who was a former teacher – he was a distinguished-looking man dressed in traditional Arabic Style.


His hands were weather-worn and tired looking and his grandson was with him. They were sitting around an open fire in the field near where the fruit stand had been.

The week before the demolition, the IDF soldiers had arrived in Jeeps and issued a demolition order. They put the order on the ground in front of the fruit stand put a stone on top of it to keep it from blowing away, and took a photograph.

The Demolished Fruit Stand, Witnessed by B'Tselem

The owner did not think much of this, as demolition orders are issued on a regular basis for all kinds of structures: homes, animal shelters, fruit stands, water pipes and many other structures and installations, but they are seldom acted on without a second warning.

Exactly a week later, the Jeeps and the bulldozer arrived. First, they packed 70 boxes of fruits and vegetables into a truck and gave the man a receipt for those. Next, they proceeded to demolish the stand and smash everything to bits – fridges ,counters, tables crates etc.

The Demolished Fruit Stand, Witnessed by B'Tselem

The man’s grandson took a video of the demolition on his smartphone.

Abdulkarim Sadi took down the information, as the man told the story. He filled five pages of notes and took photographs he also recorded the man’s voice and part of the story. He then asked the man to sign the statement that he had written and he also got the grandson to send him the video of the demolition.

The Demolished Fruit Stand, Witnessed by B'Tselem

Now this was a really impressive piece of technology. Abdulkarim setup a hotspot on his cell phone so that the boy had internet access, and then the boy sent the video to Abdulkarim using “WhatsApp”. Here, in the middle of a field, it worked perfectly.

And what of the fruit stand owner?

The man, who is a retired teacher, has no other form of income. At the time he was a teacher there was no pension scheme and this fruit stand was providing him with much-needed income.

The Demolished Fruit Stand, Witnessed by B'Tselem. Photo showing the fruit stand owner, author Mel Earley and Abdulkarim Sadi, who works with B’Tselem,  an Israeli human rights organization

There were tears in the man’s eyes as he told the story. He rents this piece of land at this location because it was a good location for a fruit stand along the main road. He did not have a license or permit.

This location is in Area C *and no license would ever be granted.

So he now this retired teacher has lost his fruit stand and his fruit and his income – where is the justice?
There is no justice.



More about Area C

Area C covers 60% of the West Bank and is home to an estimated 180,000-300,000 Palestinians. It also has  a settler population of at least 325,500 living in 125 settlements and approx. 100 outposts.

These are the settlements, deemed illegal by the UN and the international community under the fourth Geneva Convention which prohibits countries from moving populations into territories occupied in a war.

Israel retains control of security and land-management in Area C and views the area as there to serve its own needs, such as military training, economic interests and settlement development.

Despite the large Palestinian population,  Israel practically bans Palestinian construction and development. At the same time, it encourages the development of Israeli settlements through a parallel planning mechanism, and the Civil Administration turns a blind eye to settlers’ building violations.


The Elor Azaria Case


UPDATE May 18 2018 Released after only 9 months. A nine month sentence in a friendly prison for COLD BLOODED MURDER — if this was a palestinian he woul be in a hell hole jail for 20 – 40 years. Israel a place of unequal justice. See Video 124 News Elor Azaria Released After Nine Months

UPDATE: Elor Azaria received a sentence of 18 months for this murder and is presently appealing the conviction. Read this Al Jazeera Article for more information. 

It was Cold Blooded Murder

The Elor Azaria  case is tearing Israel apart. This is the case of a young medic named Elor Azaria who shot an unarmed Palestinian, Abdel Fattah al-Sharif, while he lay on the ground severely wounded and bleeding.

Azaria has been found guilty of “manslaughter” ? and will be sentenced next month, but it unlikely that the punishment will fit the crime. Riots and demonstrations have broken out demanding clemency.

Free Elor

What is unusual about this case is that it actually came to trial in the first place, since summary executions and extrajudicial killings of Palestinians happen on a daily basis.

I wrote about one of these cold-blooded killings in 2013 when 15 year-old Wajih al-Ramahid from the Jalazone Refugee Camp, was shot dead in the back by a sniper beside a UN school .

Three weeks later, another crime:  one of 3 kids that had crawled inside the Separation Barrier was shot and let bleed out to die and a short time after a 16 year old that stupidly pulled out a plastic gun at a check point in Hebron was shot by a female soldier. It was his birthday – the plastic gun was a birthday present.

There are hundreds of such cases every year. Officers routinely give orders to fire live ammunition at Friday demonstrations on the West Bank, often with fatal results.

A woman holds up a sign with ‘Too many terrorists in prison’ written on one side and ‘Kill them all’ written on the other during a rally in Tel Aviv on April 19, 2016. (Jack Guez/AFP Source: Times of Israel)

These killings and many others like them by soldiers and settlers hardly ever result in a trial, or conviction. But this case was different.

The difference in the Azaria case is that it was caught on camera and video. The video, provided by Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem, was on TV and the internet within 24 hours.

The initial reaction among mainstream Israelis was shock – How could one of our “moral army” soldiers do this? Generally, mainstream Israelis don’t know, or want to know, what their sons and daughters in uniform do in the Occupied Territories.

What happens on the West Bank stays on the West Bank.

While Israelis on the left say the trial and conviction was justified because it was a criminal act, the right wing majority regard the trial as a travesty. After all, they say, the  teenage soldier Elor was just doing his duty. He was protecting his people , and he only shot an “Arab” terrorist who would probably attack again if he was not eliminated.

Elor Azaria
Photo source:

An article translated by Partners for Progressive Israel suggests another layer of complication  – that Azaria, a Mizrahi  Jew,  was a “black peon” in a stratified Israeli society.

“If he was a Fishman from Tel Aviv, it would have been handled quietly”, says the father of a fellow soldier.

Israeli columnist, Uri Avnery wrote about the event:

“So what is so special about this case? Similar acts happen all the time, though not on camera. It’s routine. Especially in Hebron, where a few hundred fanatical settlers live among 160,000 Palestinians.. “

He goes on to say,

 “ In the clip ,  Azaria is seen shaking hands with somebody immediately after the killing. This person is no other than Baruch Marzel, the king of the Tel Rumaida settlers. Marzel is the successor of “Rabbi” Meir Kahane, who was branded as a fascist by the Supreme Court of Israel”. ……… “During the trial it was revealed that Marzel plays host every Saturday to the entire company of Israeli soldiers guarding the settlement, including the officers. This means that Azaria was exposed to his fascist ideas before the shooting event. “

At a recent conference I attended,  a well known Israeli journalist, Gideon Levy,  explained how mainstream Israel justifies these murders.

He says mainstream Israelis do not regard Palestinians as humans; they have learned to hate them as the enemy from childhood. Israelis believe they are the chosen people and the Palestinians do not belong in this land. They see themselves as victims. Soldiers and settlers believe they should kill before they are killed, even if the threat is very light. Government rhetoric, the education system and the media reinforce this mantra all the time.

Levy put it succinctly when he said, “there is no guilt or qualms of conscience when they kill the demonized enemy”.

For the government and the army the trial was important to show that Israel is a democracy and it processes criminals, even its own. But now the calls for leniency or a pardon reveals the other side – if Elor Azaria was a Palestinian, he would be sentenced to 30 years in prison, but this is a selective democracy.

Human Rights and Civil Rights do not apply to Palestinians in this Promised Land.

In the case of Elor Azaria, it will be interesting to see if the punishment will fit the crime.


January 7 2017